South West Heating Solutions Ltd
Which? Trusted Trader

10% off when you book a free survey before April May 14th.

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Not all electric heating is the same. Some forms of electric heating are not just costly but they are also ineffective. When Kelly Lody and her husband moved into their property in Penzance, they quickly realised that the current heating system needed to change.

When we moved in to the house, we found there were electric fan heaters fitted throughout.” Kelly told us. Although the fan heaters proved to be extremely expensive to run, they didn’t heat the property effectively.

It’s really dear and the noise of the fan is so loud. In a house it’s just the worst thing to install. For a small room, maybe it would be fine, but not a house! The bills were huge. They were expensive to run, noisy and you can’t set them up to turn on when you come home. You have to go into a cold house , turn them on and then wait ages for them to heat up.

The Lody’s found that trying to control the fan heaters required constant vigilance.

Fan heaters carry on heating, they don’t turn themselves off. We would have to set an alarm for the heater in our 4 year old  son, Markus’s room, so I could go and turn it off at night. It won’t turn off when it gets to the right temperature and you have to manually turn it on when you need the room heating up. It was really annoying.

Then Kelly found Which Trusted Trader, Southwest Heating Solutions and booked a survey.

Unlike fan heaters, ELKAtherm radiators heat the whole room evenly thanks to their fluted design. This gives ELKAtherm radiators up to five times the effective surface area of other heaters the same size. The more surface area there is, the more heat can transfer into the room even though no more electricity is used.

This means you can choose a smaller radiator, making more of the space in your room, yet still have all the warmth you’ll need. Read more about how ELKAtherm heating works, here.

The radiators automatically turn on when the temperature in the room goes below your desired set temperature and turn off when that temperature is reached. This means you’re never using more electricity than you need to.

A better solution than installing gas central heating

After a survey with Southwest Heating Solutions, Kelly and her husband initially decided to buy three radiators immediately and then gradually update the heating in the rest of the house.

At first we did the front room and two bedrooms, then we bought another for our kitchen and another one since. It can sound like a lot of money for a heater, but as we didn’t have gas pipes installed we would have had to pay for those, as well as deal with the upheaval. It’s still worked out cheaper than if we’d actually had gas central heating installed.”

The Lody’s were also really impressed with the fitting team.

They were really lovely. Whenever they come to fit another heater we’re always really happy to see them.” Said Kelly.

Soon after having the ELKAtherm heaters fitted, the difference was obvious.

Our house is warm which is nice as the walls are a thick granite. It feels really warm most of the time but it’s much less damp as it’s steady heat. Our bills are a lot less which, obviously, is really good. The radiators also look really nice, we have a red one which we love! The biggest difference is the effectiveness of them and how economical they are because they don’t cost much, especially compared to the heating we had before!


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