Real-life comparison: Modern German electric heating vs Economy 7 night storage heating
We added up the electricity bills in a well-insulated, two-bedroom bungalow in Holsworthy, Devon – for a full 12 months before and after switching from night storage heating to German electric radiators. The results were clear. Even before non-heating savings from switching to a flat-rate tariff, our German electric radiators reduced our customer’s heating costs by 28% (and her electricity use by two thirds).

Real-life comparison
We compared electricity bills in a well insulated, two-bedroom bungalow in Holsworthy, Devon, for a full 12 months before and after changing from night storage to German electric heating.
The results
In a small home , switching from nighstorage saved our customer £199.55 per year.

Night storage heating costs
12,740 units of off peak electricity used for heating creating 5,555kg CO2
12 Month cost = £700.70

radTherm heating costs
4,205 units of flat rate electricity used for heating creating 1,873kg CO2
12 Month cost = £501.15